In a Bit of a dilemma here on how to read the PIC a-d on Vout of a Buck Converter. There is about 800mv of ripple total, on an approximate 16V input (5% a little too high?).
Tried to buffer eight readings in a row, then average them too little effect. The period of the Converter output is in the range of 160Hz. The PWM is running at 95khz to the switcher PFET. So triggering an a-d to resemble some sort of average is eluding me. Can't tie up the processor to get a really large sample.
The PIC at the moment is a 16F887, could be a 18F later. Would rather not go with 16 bit, Any ideas?
Tried to buffer eight readings in a row, then average them too little effect. The period of the Converter output is in the range of 160Hz. The PWM is running at 95khz to the switcher PFET. So triggering an a-d to resemble some sort of average is eluding me. Can't tie up the processor to get a really large sample.
The PIC at the moment is a 16F887, could be a 18F later. Would rather not go with 16 bit, Any ideas?