Question about how Renesas Synergy handles updates

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New Member
So, I got the starter kit for the new Renesas Synergy S7 and I've been messing around with it for awhile. Overall it's been okay even though I've had some questions. But, I was working through the application note for GUIX and the application note is now out of date with the updates that either GUIX or Renesas has made, I'm not sure. This is not my question. My question is for someone more intimately familiar with Renesas - if I develop a product based on this platform and there is an update, how will they make sure it doesn't break a current application? And, if they're guaranteeing their software, how do they fulfill this guarantee? By coming in and updating my software for me? Paying for any product I've shipped that doesn't work?

Knowing the answer to the question is going to make a huge difference in deciding whether this has just been an interesting experience versus changing my "go-to" microcontroller.
And, if they're guaranteeing their software, how do they fulfill this guarantee? By coming in and updating my software for me? Paying for any product I've shipped that doesn't work?

I'm not familiar with their products, but I'm sure that is none of the above. The typical license for any software is "no warranty of any kind whether expressed or implied". I'm pretty sure, when installing the software, you acknowledged that you had read, understood, and agreed to the terms of their license. So, you should know better than anyone else
Why are you asking us? I would have thought that it would be easy to ask Renesas themselves.

I get the impression that you and Calvin Black work for some kind of agent / distributor for Renesas, surely you have a direct line back to their support department.

Northguy - yeah, I read the license about as well as anyone reads those things... there's a reason I'm not a lawyer. One of the things that was supposed to be different about Synergy was that it *does* warranty certain aspects of it. And... as I was going through the promotional material to try and show you what I was talking about, I actually found the official warranty and answered my own question. Mostly. I guess it's too new to get real feedback about the actual implementation of this warranty, though.

JimB, yes, I have a friend with Renesas (trying to convince me to switch over), that’s where I got the board, but I go to these forums because I know that Renesas is going to be a biased source of information. I’m trying to reach out to those that have actually dealt with them and can hopefully give true feedback instead of corporate lines. I don’t know Calvin Black, though… I work in a small offshoot office of a multinational corporation for my full time job, though, it’s possible he is part of a different office or sister organization?
... I go to these forums because I know that Renesas is going to be a biased source of information.

You think they will lie to you about technical information about their product or about how they support products that are on the market? Why you think somebody else knows better about their future plans than the company itself?
I don’t know Calvin Black, though…
You do.... You signed in with the same IP.... We see you both work at the same office in Idaho..

Please credit us with a little intelligence..
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