Quadrature Encoder Iinterface (QEI) od PIC

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Hi all,

Does anyone have an application note or a sample code on how to configure and read speed/position from the QEI module in PIC 18FXX31????????

I wrote my own Quadrature encoder.. Is that the output from the encoder.
Hi Ian thank you for the reply !!!!!!!

The output from the encoder is 200 counts per rev with phase A, B and an Index pulse.
I don't use an Index signal.... Just the quad input.

The small pic is just a state machine to determine motion and direction.

Microchip have appnotes for the inbuilt quadrature encoder module. Check the Microchip page for the PIC "PIC 18FXX31" datasheet, down the bottom will be lots of PDFs including special appnotes.
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