PWM examples in Assembly

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Well-Known Member
Hiya Guy's,
I'm on playing around with a 6 wire steppermotor and a 5804 translator/driver chip and this will be the first time I've used pwm. I'm thinking of using a 16f88 and after looking on the net for over 3 hours I'm still yet to find some examples in assembly to help me get started. I looked at the piclist but that site is so hard to find anything so if anyone has some routines to setup and run on a 16f chip I'll appreciate it as I'm a bit confused just using the datasheet.

Cheers Bryan
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for or not.

This is part of a PID servo on a 16F819.

The PWM setup is
;	Set PWM Period by writing to PR2
;	With 8MHz clock this will give a frequency of 31kHz
                movlw   3fh
                bsf     STATUS,RP0
                movwf   PR2
                bcf     STATUS,RP0

;	set PWM value to middle - 50/50 duty
                movlw   1fh
                movwf   CCPR1L

;	Enable timer 2 with prescaler 1
                movlw   B'00000100'
                movwf   T2CON

;	Turn on PWM
                movlw   B'00001111'
                movwf   CCP1CON

The PWM value was set with the following.

                movwf   PWMVal
                movlw   B'00001111'
                bcf     STATUS,C
                rrf     PWMVal,F;      Get lowest bit
                btfsc   STATUS,C
                iorlw   B'00010000';   Put in bit 4 of CCP1CON
                bcf     STATUS,C
                rrf     PWMVal,F;      and bit 1 to bit 5
                btfsc   STATUS,C
                iorlw   B'00100000'
                movwf   CCP1CON
                movfw   PWMVal;		remaining 6 bits to CCPR1L
                movwf   CCPR1L

The values above only give 8 bit resolution of the PWM. The lower bit are in CCP1CON and so mid point is 31 (1Fh).

This might get you started.

You might try my PWM 'tutorial', basically a simple demonstration of how to set the PWM up on a 16F876 - the 16F88 will be almost identical.
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