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pwm controller..

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New Member
hi all.
i want to know how can i control a motor speed.
i know its done by using pwm controller.but what ever ciruit im refering they all shows a potentiometer to control speed.i want to know is there any other way to do this?

You can use just about anything you want as the input control medium, switches on a keypad, a touch screen display, a joystick, RF remote, SMS etc etc.. any thoughts yourself ..?
potentiameter probably gives you the best range.
But as Wp100 said, you can use anything that YOU can use to let your circuit know that your new duty cycle is going to be whatever...

i mean you can do it with 1 button, and if the button is held down for 1s, it means this, if its held down for 5s it means that..etc...
there are so many ways...but.. potentiometers are easy

hope it helps
i will be controllin the motor using what would be the best way?will be makin a vb program to control motors and will be using bluetooth for it can be done?
all the cct with the pot does is map voltage from from 0 to 5 with values for a duty cycle for your pwm. so if you have an 8bit register, you can get 256 possible duty cycle values.

So for your program that you will be writing, rather than read the voltage, and convert it to a 8bit number, you can send a command, which could be a number, and that number corresponds to your duty cycle and keep that duty cycle until a new command is sent to it.
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