Pulse circuit

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New Member
I want build a very small cheap circuit to make a small motor pulse on and off. I am not constrained to a certain on off period. Something like 2 seconds on, 1 second off, it isn't critcal. I would like use small 3 v batteries. I am very new to electronics, I would appreciate any ideas anyone has for an ideal circuit or components. Thanks.
Maybe a 555 timer circuit, google for that.

How small is a small motor? You might need a transistor to drive it.
I was looking at using a very small motor, a little bigger than a finger nail. I have bought a kit with one of those 555 chips, they require a few compnents to make the circuit, so I wonder if there is a smaller circuit. I wonder how they make mobile phones vibrate, they may use a motor to pulse on and off to simulate the vibration alert.

Normally they have an out-of-balance weight on the motor shaft to make them shake.
Do you think they would use the 555 circuit in mobile phones to make the phones vibrate. Would they have smaller components that I could purchase to make a small circuit
Do you think they would use the 555 circuit in mobile phones to make the phones vibrate. Would they have smaller components that I could purchase to make a small circuit

I doubt there is a 555 in there. The 555 was to your original question on turning a small DC motor on and off. To make it vibrate, you just add a small weight to the motor shaft, when it spins it will not be balanced and vibrate.
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Or maybe using a 555 as a multivibrator and connect a H-bridge between motor and 555 output to make it shift direction every half second, or even faster. But it may tear the motor quicker than a weight on the shaft.
cell phones have micro-computers to control the motor, you are looking for what is called a flasher circuit, here is alot of good ones, i think i seen a super simple one on the page!

Flasher Circuits
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