PROJECT: Bowling Pin Counter - 7 Segment Displays

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New Member
I am working on a project for a basic digital class.....HELP!!!!
Here is a description of the project:
This circuit is to use ten switches to represent the ten pins used in bowling, with the switches (pins) arranged in the “bowling” triangle. The user closes a switch to indicate a fallen pin. As more switches are closed, a two-digit 7-segment display shows the number of fallen pins, from 00 to 10. For example, if switches (pins) 1, 3, 5, and 8 are closed, the display should read 04.

I am stumped.......Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I am using MultiSim to design the project with.
Thanks in advance!

It seems to me the easiest way of doing this would be using a pic. It would be extremely easy just to count the pins that are high, and display it on a 7 seg. display.
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