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New Member
can somebody help me make a bluetooth transmitter and reciever prototype? possibly that will cost just a little! thanks!
you know, from my knowledge, the technology is not open for the users to buid it, especially because it is very complicated.
it uses a lot of things for security, like frequency hopper and so on.
but it is basicly made of 2 units each beeiing able to transimit and receive radio signals, it is a radio interface, a radio media.
Search the internet for the Bluetooth specification.

You will then see that your only realistic option at this time is to buy ready built units.

well, i dont thiknk it will be easy
i mean all they are build for is computers and cell phones, these are the aplications for now. i mean what else do you need them for..?

thank you bogdanfirst and pilot for replying my request! i would like to add were can i get or download schematic diagram, specifications and layout of an Amplifier analog and digital! maybe a 5.1 design or higher! also computations and design of a good speaker & speaker baffles! thank you so much again!
The best thing you can do is search on google.

YOU know what you want and the keywords to use.
HINT: Do not search using i.e. "5.1 +amplifier +schematic" 'coz you'll get loads of rubbish :wink:

If you are planning to build a 5.1 or higher analog amplifier (for eg. to use the outputs of a 5.1 sound card), just build 5 amplifiers (say...50W?) for left/central/right/left surround/right surround channel and one more powerful (100W?) for the subwoofer.

As for the amplifier schematics, try this page: **broken link removed**
copy and paste it in the address bar of the browser. or go to **broken link removed**
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