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Programs in memory

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If you can already close it with a right click... You're looking for a sollution to a problem that does not exist =) Although if I were the teacher I'd give you points for figuring out to unplug the ethernet connection to disable it =)
Yeah, many of my teacher get confused even when i bring up the console... :rolleyes:

I know that i can close it with a right click, but i like to over complicate things sometimes. There is a problem to the right clicking, though. If the teacher is logged on long enough, the "exit" is disabled, and can not be used (unless i drop the connection by unplugging the ethernet cable).

I just want to see if there are any other ways. :)
Marks, if you're trying to over complicate things to that point you need to take a good static look at yourself and find out if you want to be an engineer or an engineers pain in the ass client =) At the rate you're going, you're WELL on you're way to becoming one of those people engineers like to ward off with wrist straps, or crucifixions =) Do what works.
If you don't like unplugging the Ethernet cable that's okay, just disable the Ethernet connection in software (very easy) and then terminate the software. Be done with it, stop trying to look for the third dimension of understanding in getting rid of spyware =) Especially something as obvious as SynchronEyes. It was meant to be a teacher snoop ware for students (allows screen captures and the like)
Write a simple program to see if the task/process is running, drop the connection, kill the process and bring the connection back up.

If that is all you have to do.
[in a whiney voice] Aaaw! But i am lazy!!!!!! [/in a whiney voice]

You be good now ya hear Marks! Or I'll take your rubber duck away!! Seriously =) Good time to take stock of things and make a new post, us old timers we can't keep up with the new ones. The more questions you ask the better =) Just don't flood a hundred posts at once.
Yeah... It is a tallent... :D

Now, how do i confuse people more and make it really complicated!??! :D :D :D
SoftIce sounds like a kind of debugger to me.

Are you sure it will work under modern Windows operating system like XP or 2000?

I have a feeling that it might've been discontiniued because it only worked on the old 9x system.

Windows NT has full memory protection, meaning that one program running in user space can't mess with another program's memory. Windows 9x wasn't so good at this and is why it used to BSOD so often, because one program would overwrite another's memory space.

The only way of playing with another program's memory under Windows NT is by loading the program in kernel mode, so it acts like part of the operating system; this would involve having to load a driver when the system starts up.
Hero999 said:
The only way of playing with another program's memory under Windows NT is by loading the program in kernel mode, so it acts like part of the operating system; this would involve having to load a driver when the system starts up.
That's exactly what SoftIce does. It hooks the kernal, etc at boot.
Marks256 said:
I know that i can close it with a right click, but i like to over complicate things sometimes.
What happens if you give it the three finger salute and use "End Process" in Windows task manager?
Kchriste said:
That's exactly what SoftIce does. It hooks the kernal, etc at boot.

I can not find a copy on the net. Do you know where i can download it?

What happens if you give it the three finger salute and use "End Process" in Windows task manager?

Access Denied... The program is set as a system process by the administrator. :( That is why most of the programs that are able to edit memory can not do anything for me because system processes are read-only...
SoftIce is still kicking around out there, you should be able to find it somewhe,re jsut be careful, the sites you're going to still find it on may have malware or other nasties with it. You've gotta be very careful about the software you run especially when you get into any kind of hacking. No virus protection software can protect your from a program you intentionally run, especially with Admin privlages.
SoftICE is the best program for the PC/Windows environment I have used. And it is not free. I can dig a copy out and tell you who wrote it and you can contact them. Have not used it for years.

Marks256, Did you hear anything Sceadwian said?

From the last posts. You said, I thought, you could kill it by hand? Can you do that?
Learning things by getting into the nuts and bolts of it all is good and all, I do it all the time, in fact that's how I know pretty much everything in my head =) But you have to put an insane curiosity to learn in one hand and still be able to stand up straight =) Common sense in the other hand tells you that you already have a sollution, and a debugging tool like softice is not going to do you any good. Gotta focus your goals a little more single mindedly or you're not going to end up learning anything of use.

Have you ever had a ferret as a pet? After one has been sleeping and eating alternatly for 16 hours straight (which they do) they wake up for a few hours of extreme activity. They get so excited when they're let out the tend to fall over themselves. They horde shiney bits in little corners where you can't find them, get into places you didn't even know existed. One of the main causes of ferret death is eating things they can't actually digest or are poisonous, like rubber and cleaning agents. So that means they're dumb as rocks =) You have to temper that curiosity with a little bit of constructive direction and keep your mind on track actually learning something useful. You're not going to kill yourself trying to learning something that is not what you really should be paying attention to but you will end up wasting time and mental resources that could be spent better elsewhere. Knowing what's learning is the hard part, but tracking down an ages old program that's primarly used by hackers and game cheaters is probably a waste of time =>
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Jez, i am just curious... Yes, mramos1, i can kill it by hand, but the problem is that if the teacher has connected before the student logs in, then the "exit" option is dissabled, unless the acount loggin in has admin access, which my acount doesn't.

I thought of giving my acount admin access, but all of the student's acounts share the same attributes. So, if i were to give MY account admin, then i would give EVERYONE admin access... That wouldn't be good...
Marks256 said:
I can not find a copy on the net. Do you know where i can download it?
Not legally.... ;) but if you thought about it a bit more you're sure to find it! :D
I don't think it'll do you much good anyway, since you'll probably need admin rights to install/run it and with admin rights you can just kill it as you stated previously:
Access Denied... The program is set as a system process by the administrator. :( That is why most of the programs that are able to edit memory can not do anything for me because system processes are read-only
Nice suggestion kchriste.

Just yet another suggestion for the already solved problem =) But there should be some way to make a script that is able to run a program as admin that only you have access to that would allow disabling of the ethernet, executing the shutdown and the re-enabling the ethernet. It would require at the very least an NT file system to guard against usage by users other than the authorized one and knowing the scripting required to disable ethernet and shut down the application.
But there should be some way to make a script that is able to run a program as admin that only you have access to that would allow disabling of the ethernet, executing the shutdown and the re-enabling the ethernet.

There is always the "runas" command under the console... It allows a user to run an administrative program on their computer, just as long as they know the password...

Not legally.... but if you thought about it a bit more you're sure to find it!
I don't think it'll do you much good anyway, since you'll probably need admin rights to install/run it and with admin rights you can just kill it as you stated previously:

Excellent... :D

Couldn't i just install it on my machine at home, copy the folder to my jump drive, and then run it as portable software? That has worked for me before with software...
I don't understand this but a geek showed me it.

set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run "runas /user:Admin ""cmd"""
WScript.Sleep 100
oShell.Sendkeys "password~"

Save as loadadmin.vbs and run it, this will give you a command line which will enable you to run any program as admin.
It looks like all that does is load the command prompt up with admin access, and then allows you to install with the admin attribs...
That's the one.

I run everything on my home computer under a restricted account to protect from malware. I also use this script to load other programs that require admin access, I just replace cmd with the path and file name of the program.

Does anyone here know how to midify this so it will accept a parameter so I can just type runasadmin in the start menu and run any program I want, or create short cuts using it?
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