problem with my phone pls i need a solution-sony ericsson

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New Member
please i need a solution to the problem my phone just developed--
what IC could be suitable for replacement don't know wether IC from a similar phone could be used
Givit to some king of repair shop.I tock an somy ericson T100 a part and found a lot of complicated IC (SMD so trycky to solder)

or get a new one!

Wen my Ericson T20e (almost all in our famili had Ericsons) stoped working i buyed an new Motorola MPx200(got it for $207 but it is worth $675!:twisted: ) It has an huge color screen,can acept SD and MMC memori cards up to 1GB and runs on Windows CE Smartphone (Also got an USB cable whith it)
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