Print HEX

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New Member
XXX = 0

XXX = XXX + 1

SEROUT TX, 9600, "Number=", #xxx, 0xd
'(or LCDOUT)

goto loop

Obviously this will print Number= 0-255 and repeat forever.

How do I make the same program print 00-FF instead of 0-255?

Or in other words, is there a simple way to display HEX directly?
The new versions of Oshonsoft Basic support string variables and there is a function HexStr() that converts a word variable to a four character string.
Look at Oshonsoft home page.

For a byte variable x: y=x / 16 z=x mod 16
then convert y and z to characters 0-F ( 10= A etc. )
Thank you jjw

I have not worked much with strings before but I understand what you have suggested - thank you and I will take that approach and see if I can get it working.
I also upgraded and downloaded the latest versions of the PIC software from Oshonsoft including the String functions and the Structured Language support (which I am
weak in, being a hardware guy) . Have a Merry Christmas and tks again for your (and others) help.
Even so... serout using a lookup table is dead easy to implement.....
Tks Ian........

h8to16a.HB = LookUp("0123456789ABCDEF"), tmp 'Convert to ascii & Store works GREAT

and (not this time), but sometimes you have to use the following process:

h8to16a.HB = LookUp (0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46), tmp

Which also works but I could not find a line continuation character because sometimes the lines get quite long.

I tried "_ " (underline) as a line continuation character, but that didn't seem to work - I kept getting a compile error on that line when I tried to put it on two lines for readability.

I use a routine called BIN2ASCII from PicList. Remember, internally your numbers are all binary. This routine converts the binary values in a register to the 2 digit hex values. For the majority of people, unfortunately, it is in Assembly. I suspect a search on BIN2ASCII in C would produce the equivalent.

;Scott Dattalo (PicList): This works well for 0x00 - 0xFF.  Since    
;Char_hi is transmitted first, modified to finish with Char_hi in w.    
;Modified version is 13 cycles, 6.5 uS, Char_hi is in w, Char    
;is preserved,enter with binary in w.    
                movwf   Char
                andlw   0x0f
                addlw   6
                btfsc   STATUS,1        ;skpndc
                addlw   0x07            ;'A'-('9'+1)
                addlw   0x2A            ;'0'-6
                movwf   Char_lo
                swapf   Char,w
                andlw   0x0f
                addlw   6
                btfsc   STATUS,1        ;skpndc
                addlw   0x07            ;'A'-('9'+1)
                addlw   0x2A            ;'0'-6
                                        ;   movwf  Char_hi                  ;added so I don't worry about w on call/return        
                                        ;   retlw   0

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