Please Overused

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
Could we just agree to eliminate all threads with the word "please" in the title line. Of course I would willing lay my head upon the block if the moderators would agree to my request. Either that or I'll have to slash my wrists with rusty razor blades.
I think titles with desparate(ly) in the title line are more indicative. But please is pretty indicative too.
What about the people who are naturally polite, and are intelligent too? I am obviously not one of them, but i am confident that such a person does exist.
I suppose it could be a cultural thing, but generally prose written in a technical forum should neither be polite nor impolite ... it should be consice, get to the point or don't bother ... asking vague questions or begging for homework help doesn't really benefit anyone.

the vague question askers either get flamed and or ignored, the homework people quickly get flamed, neither is substansive contribution to this, our little online community.
I've also been thinking about that. Whenenver I see a post start off with "Dear Sirs/fellows/friends", "obliged", or something like that it immediatley strikes me as a homework post. probably because all but one or two posts I've seen that start off with something like that are homework posts. But is that just the way they right?

Even if it's not a homework post, I still cringe. Probably due to some...what is the term psychologists use? "classical conditioning"? from all the other homework posts. I'm also not sure why they use advise so much instead of help. Is it the way english is taught as a second language? (like from a book?) or an online translator? Same thing with the use of enquiry or inquiry in the thread title.
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Papabravo said:
...I'll have to slash my wrists with rusty razor blades.

I think wiring up a bunch of big radial electrolytics in series and reversing the voltage would be a lot more...fitting.
Marks256 said:
What about the people who are naturally polite, and are intelligent too? I am obviously not one of them, but i am confident that such a person does exist.
True, but you are most definitely one of the finest screeching young kids it's been my pleasure to know. You kinda remind me of myself when I was 16 or so.
There is no need to forget basic manners just because this is a technical forum.

There have been many times when I have taken the trouble to help someone and they don't even respond, or if they do, there is no appreciation shown. So I wonder why I bothered.

There is no need for them to be obsequious, but I appreciate the odd please and thank you.
ljcox said:
There is no need for them to be obsequious, but I appreciate the odd please and thank you.

It's because English isn't their first language, and they aren't as rude and bad tempered as people who do speak English as a first (or only) language!.
True, but you are most definitely one of the finest screeching young kids it's been my pleasure to know. You kinda remind me of myself when I was 16 or so.

*blush* Now i feel all warm and fuzzy inside!(not really...)

I'd also like to eliminate threads with "help" as the title.

...And why not add "PIC", "interface", "issues", "transmitter", "Modulation", "Resistor", "Capacitor", "transistor", "Question", "Answer", "hertz", "Megahertz", "Gigahertz", "Clock", "Multiplexer", "Demultiplexer", "Shift register", "Computer", "Infrared", "SONAR", "Laser", and "Idea"?

Banning the word "help" is just ridiculous. The word "help" is what every forum is based on. That is why people come here; for help.

Add "H-bridge" too..... that seems to have come up a hell of a lot just lately
looking at your previous posts, one can easly understand that you actually dont understand nor use words like Please and thank you.
max_imum2000 said:
looking at your previous posts, one can easly understand that you actually dont understand nor use words like Please and thank you.
You did not say who this comment is aimed at.
max_imum2000 said:
looking at your previous posts, one can easly understand that you actually dont understand nor use words like Please and thank you.
I've a right to my opinion as do you, but personal attacks are out of bounds. Feel free to attack my opinions, but refrain from attacking my person.
I must admit to being somewhat on the other side of the fence on this little issue. In fact, I continue to be amazed at how successfully this board accomodates guests and members whose native language is not English. When I see those pleas for help pieced together with the barest understanding of English and then see you guys pitch in as best you can to help out, I am impressed. So what if the poor fellow puts "please" into his subject? He often is just trying to meet his perception of the minimum standards of courtesy so as not to piss you off in the first place. Seems a shame to damn them if they do and then damn them if they don't, doesn't it?

later edit:
On reflection, though, I would join in drawing the line at multiple "pleases" such as the classic topic of "pleas pleas help me, aaaaaagggghhhh!!!" which is, I agree, bordering on the intolerable.
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