pico hydro generator controller

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question: do i still need a load controller for a 200w pico hydro generator? voltage and and frequency output ranges from 200v to 350v and about 50-75Hz depending on the speed of my turbine.. i need a stable output of 220v.. thank you
Generally speaking all hydro generators need some sort of load control: the load must always be balanced to the output or the generator will over/underspeed. Sounds like you have a PMG (permanent magnet generator).Would need more info on type of system before making any recommendations.
its a induction generator purchase from powerpal model mgh 200, we wanted a new controller for it.. but im not sure what should be included in my circuit..
According to the info on powerpal specsheet, the mgh200 uses a pmg , not a pure induction generator. To get 220v/50hz your generator needs to be kept at 1000rpm. The controller is like an automatic light dimmer: it has a "dump load" which is usually a heating element and the controller ramps up or down depending on the load. So for example: your mhg is running at full whack, putting out 200w, you have a couple of light bulbs running using 120w, the controller allows 80w to go to the dump load. If you switch off one of the bulbs, dropping your usage to 60w then the controller ramps up the dump load to 120w so the power used is always balanced with the power generated. If you try to run 4 lights at 60w then your generator will be overstressed and it will slow down.
Is there a problem with getting a controller from powerpal? This must be by far the simplest solution.
the supplier of powerpal in my country requires us to purchase the whole gen set if we want a new controller. so buying one is not an option... can you send me a block diagram if not schematic so i could better picture the components to use? thank you
I`m not qualified to do more than tell you the outlines of what is needed: something that applies a load constantly adjusted so that your generator always runs at 1000 rpm. The problem with many suppliers of micro hydro (and wind, solar) gear is that they do not actually make anything themselves but merely buy in and sell so spares or even knowledge of how the products are supposed to work are thin on the ground. All I can say is that the sort of controller you need would equally apply to a similar sized wind turbine and there are a lot more wind turbines around.
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