I'd like to drive a two anodes, common cathode, bicolor LED.
One of the LED's colors is blue, which according to datasheet, its min. VF equals 3V and max. VF equals 3.8V.
I need to order hunderds of this led circuit (led+driver circuit).
In this case, how can I design a driver circuit that will be appropriate for a range of VF of 3V to 3.8V?
On the one hand, I dont want all 3V blue LEDs to get burned, but on the other hand, I dont want the 3.8V ones to have a weak lighting intensity.
More details.
I have two power sources which I can use to drive the LED, 5V and 3.3V.
One of the LED's colors is blue, which according to datasheet, its min. VF equals 3V and max. VF equals 3.8V.
I need to order hunderds of this led circuit (led+driver circuit).
In this case, how can I design a driver circuit that will be appropriate for a range of VF of 3V to 3.8V?
On the one hand, I dont want all 3V blue LEDs to get burned, but on the other hand, I dont want the 3.8V ones to have a weak lighting intensity.
More details.
I have two power sources which I can use to drive the LED, 5V and 3.3V.
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