PIC18F's (Wheres the CONFIG words?)

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Hey guys,

Im just wondering where the Config words are I cannot find them in the datasheet or anywhere. Also in high-tech c compiler, the config is
I dont know what goes in there and im pretty sure im supposed to use CONFIG1,CONFIG2 etc..

The exact PIC im using is from my fake PICKIT2 a PIC18F2550 (Not actually out of the programmer). I bought it to use its USB feature but cant even get it to compile basic blinking led so gonna need help! Thankyou guys so much for helping me
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They are set by doing,



And you will find all the values in Appendix D of the HiTech manual.

Thankyou so much

I have just moved on to C18 programming language as it is more common. Thankyou for the quick and usefull reply I will still use HTC on 16f and lower PICS!
Kyle, in C18 you can find the configs in the C18 libraries. It has a list of the settings and what they mean/do. If you know what you want to set, but don't know what to type in, you can go to Configure-->Configuration Bits in MPLAB. This will give you a list of what you can set.

Der Strom
For C18, Microchip supplied a document that contained config settings (attached). However, they no longer maintain this document so the newer chips aren't in there.



  • C18_Config_Settings_51537e.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 293
Thanks, I was told the Config bits could also be found in the help menu of mplab.
This is the same document you get from the help menu
(20:17:40) 3v0: HELP>TOPICS>PIC18 Config Settings
Everything works swell on my PIC except interrupts but im getting help on that. Thankyou everyone for being a great help here is my massive config. (You dont need all the offs I think)

#pragma config  PLLDIV = 1, CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2, USBDIV = 1, FOSC = HS, FCMEN = OFF, IESO = OFF
#pragma config  PWRT = ON,  BOR = OFF, VREGEN = OFF, WDT = OFF, PBADEN = OFF,  LPT1OSC = OFF,  MCLRE = OFF
#pragma config  STVREN = OFF,  LVP = OFF, DEBUG = OFF
On the contrary, be explicit. Write them all

Using ALL the "offs" is good help to you.

That way you will never have a minimal doubt of what setting you have for every bit in the initial configuration.

Forcing you to do that will reduce your chances of error. This way, unless your are an idiot, you will not neglect one.

  Processor 18F4431
  LIST  B=4, C=80, MM=ON, R=DEC, ST=ON, T=OFF

  INCLUDE "P18F4431.INC"
  CONFIG  BORV =27    ,WDTEN =OFF   ,WINEN =OFF   ,WDPS =1        ,T1OSCMX =OFF
  CONFIG  PWM4MX =RB5 ,SSPMX =RC7   ,FLTAMX =RC1  ,STVREN =ON     ,LVP =OFF             
  CONFIG  DEBUG =OFF  ,CP0 =OFF     ,CP1 =OFF     ,CP2 =OFF       ,CP3 =OFF             
  CONFIG  CPB =OFF    ,CPD =OFF     ,WRT0 =OFF    ,WRT1 =OFF      ,WRT2 =OFF            
  CONFIG  WRT3 =OFF   ,WRTB =OFF    ,WRTC =ON     ,WRTD =OFF      ,EBTR0 =OFF           

I don't think you have to write them all. I never do. I usually only have to write 3 or 4. The only ones you have to change are the ones that you want to be different from the default. For example, the WDT defaults to ON, and in most cases you want it to be OFF, so there's one you'll have to set. Another one you'll have to change is the OSC, unless you plan to use the default oscillator. But you do not need to type them all out unless you're changing every single one from its default
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