PIC18F252 USART problem

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I am trying to do a small program to get the USART to work. I want to write the letter "A" out on the RS232 port. I have downloaded a sample hex file and loaded into the PIC to test the RS-232 comms to my pc. All is working except my version of code. I am getting funny asterix symbols out the comms port.

Have I left something out of the code. I have set up the registers as per the datasheet and I am only transmitting at the moment.

#include <p18cxxx.h>

void init_usart(void)		// Initialise the USART
	TXSTA=0x24;		// Asynch,8bits,tx enb
	SPBRG=0x12;		// BaudRate=9600 @ 20Mhz as Table
	RCSTAbits.SPEN=1;	// Enable Serial Port

void write_usart(void)		//Write to the USART

void main (void)


	TRISC=0x80;		//Set RC7=Input, RC0:6 as Output

  	init_usart();		// Initialise the USART

My bad....
I forgot to take out the 0x

The correct one is
SPBRG=12;		// BaudRate=9600 @ 20Mhz as Table16-5

The datasheet table says that for 9600 @ 20Mhz with +0.16error SPBRG=12 (decimal)
Oh, the BRGH bit is set, I missed that, sorry! We must refer to table 16-5, right. The correct value is 129 (0x81) for 9600 baud, isn't it?
ok...i need glasses.... I was looking at the 96Kbps and not 9.6Kbps. (thanks for that!!)

I have changed the SPBRG value to 129 however now i am getting nothing on the RS232, not even the symbols.

im not to sure about my "while" loop... I'm new to C.

#include <p18cxxx.h>

void init_usart(void)		// Initialise the USART
	TXSTA=0b00100100;	// Asynch,8bits,tx enb
	SPBRG=129;		// BaudRate=9600 @ 20Mhz as Table
	RCSTAbits.SPEN=1;	// Enable Serial Port

void write_usart(void)		//Write to the USART

void main (void)


	TRISC=0x80;		//Set RC7=Input, RC0:6 as Output

  	init_usart();		// Initialise the USART
void write_usart(void)     
    TXREG='A';      // copy 'A' into the buffer
    while(PIR1bits.TXIF==0); // wait until all bits are transmitted
Aha!!! Thats it... its working now. I'm getting an infinite amount of A's on the screen.

How would I send a complete word "Hello" to the usart and then stop the usart from sending? Could I use an array?

THanks for your help..!!!
mikesmixes777 said:
How would I send a complete word "Hello" to the usart and then stop the usart from sending? Could I use an array?

mikesmixes777 said:
Aha!!! Thats it... its working now. I'm getting an infinite amount of A's on the screen.
Place a while(1); at the end of the program (inside the main routine).
hi, i am currently using PIC16f886, pickit2, MPlab for a project. i editted the codes i obtained from the sample codes taken from the HiTechC folders.

can i know where will the "A" be displayed at? how do we actually do that?

pls help me as this project is really crucial to me and am rather clueless/confused of my next step. solving this current problem of mine is an intermediate step to go to the next step - configuring AT commands for the p16f886 and rs232 and BT module
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Firstly dont hijack an other persons thread.It doesnt give you any more replies then you would have gotten in one of your own.If you send an "a" to a computer through a serial port it will be displayed on the top left of the screen.If you want to position it then use carriage return spaces etc.
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