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New Member
Hi, how're all of you doing ?

I have a question regarding delays.
How can i calculate the exact time that i use in a delay, without using
any timer ?

This is a function that i made a little time ago for program.

movlw 0xfff
movwf Cont1
movlw 0xff
movwf Cont2
decf Cont2
movlw 0x00
xorwf Cont2
btfss STATUS,Z
goto loop
decf Cont1
movlw 0x00
xorwf Cont1
btfss STATUS,Z
goto again


I want to know this because i have to use a LCD for a project and on top of that i dont know how to use one yet
So i was reading that i need to use some delays for initializations
and if im going to do those delays i want to do it like the example
that i wrote up there without using a Timer.

And i would like to know how to do it if im going to use a delay of 5ms, 20ms for example.

Thank you again.
You can also use the stopwatch in MPLABs simulator. However, your movlw 0xfff instruction is going to cause an error.

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You rule.

Nope it didnt make any errors when i did it.
Stop watch ??? thats something you use in MPLAB or something that you san use with PIC16f877a ?
If you use MPLAB then you can use the simulator. In the sim you can set break points and time how long your code takes. Have a read up on the Microchip Simulator.

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