PIC16F877A to PIC18F4620

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I migrated my circuit from PIC16F877A to PIC18F4620 for memory issues. The PIC877A Circuit worked fine with my mikroBasic code., but the PIC18F4620 circuit doesn't work with the same code. There is a problem with LCD. The LCD works fine in 4-bit mode but doesn't display anything in 8-bit mode. Please someone help me with this.
sorry missed the mickro basic bit.
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Look into latching..... on the pic18's you need to latch the outputs of singular bits

ie... pic16f877a

PORTB.4 = 1

on the 18's
LATBbits.LATB4 = 1
When I first looked at this I was thinking 18f4520 which is setup just like the 16f877A as far as I/O goes. But your using a 18f4620
that has a lot of registers that have to be set to make pins I/O there ADC on PORTB of this chip
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