PIC16F84A Reading input

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New Member
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if anyone knew the specifications for reading data from the PORTB or PORTA pins on a PIC16F84A? I am fairly new at all this, and im not sure what voltage or what not i shoulld be sending to those pins not to damage them. I tried reading the datasheet for the device but its fairly complex for my understanding, i am going to keep and trying though. I want to be able to read an input from an external circuit.
Assuming your PIC has a +5V supply, you should limit the inputs to between 0Volts and +5Volts.

This applies to both the digital and analog inputs.

Does this answer your Q.?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Thanks that helped a lot. Got a regulator, but i think i burnt out my PIC chip before posting on here :S
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