Pic16F628 using too much power while asleep

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Active Member
I've got this project wich involves a Pic16F628 running on internal oscillator and when the chip goes to sleep it consumes 80 µA (@5V). According to the datasheet it should be possible to get it as low as 1µA (at 3V, so i'll settle for about 5µA at 5V).

I didn't leave any pins floating (all outputs, and keypad inputs are pulled high with internal pullups). No external circuitry is using power (tested it with the bare pic, only power and mclr connected) and comparators, vref and usart are disabled...

Am i missing something, some perephial that needs to be turned off or something... or is the datasheet too optimistic and is 80µA really the lowest i can get.
Found the problem

It was the brown-out circuitry wich was using the current. Turned the brown out fuse off and only using 3µA in sleep now 8)
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