Pic12f629 Ports Problem.

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I cant be arsed to make a schematic, I have just wired up all leds with one resistor connecting from their - lead to -ve.
The resistor is around 400ohms.
Only one led is on at once, so I should only need one resistor.
I have placed the pic in the wrong position on the protoblock once or twice.
Do you think this may have caused the damage?

I have 2 pic12f629s and both are now damaged.
GP3 is broken on both of them!

Could static damage them like this? or do you think its me placing them in the wrong position on the breadboard(i.e connected up wrong).

My supply is 5v.

ive just tried reprogramming both chips with the same hex, and they both now work!
Whats going on?
on a seperate note,
Im trying to debug button handling code, but MPlab IDE (i.e register window) wont let me change the GP3 bit of the GPIO register to 1. Im using GP3 as an input for the button.
How can i debug the behaviour of the button code, if i cant 'simulate' a button press?

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