Hi, i am new to this forum. First of all i would like to apologize for my bad english. Im trying to build an digital EMG Amplifier. I alread built the analogic part of the circuit. My problem now is to convert the signal from analogic to digital and transmit it using USB to my computer. i found **broken link removed** project, and it is exatly wht i need. But i have a great problem.. im completely noob on talking about PICs. I alread got the 18F2550. To start with i would like to ask some questions. First of all. Wht is a bootloader. Second how can i upload the bootloader to the PIC? Can i use any programming board or should i use an specifc one? If i have a programming board why should i build the RS232 level converter wiht the MAX233 if i can ulopad the controller program with the board? Whts the main difference of uploading the bootloader and the controlling program? Please dont ask me to go google and look at tutorials becouse my objective is not to become an expert on PICs but to build my broject.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!