PIC macro mov reg,lit or mov lit,reg

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Personally I like the look of the intel and parallax version of mov ie:

mov PORTA, 0x03


mov 0x03, PORTA

Just reads better but may seem backwards to some.
What do you prefer?
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I personally don't like macros that look like actual instructions. An experienced programmer could look for a bug all day long and not find it because they don't realise that mov PORTA,03 corrupts W. If I had to choose a name for such a macro it would be something like _init PORTA,3 or _Store 3,PORTA or _Set PORTA,3 or _Poke PORTA,3. The underscore being there to remind me that it is a macro. I know that MPLAB differentiates by changing colour but that is lost when using a different text editor or posting the code on the internet etc.

Anything is OK if it's for your own personal use, if you intend publishing it then I think the possible confusion weighed against saving 1 line of typing just isn't worth it.

It simply makes the final code listing shorter and eaiser to read. Also has the banksel. (leaves it in the register bank though)

_mov     macro     register, literal      ;_mov <register>, <literal>
         movlw     literal                ;W = literal
         banksel   register               ;make sure it's in the right bank
         movwf     register               ;register = W
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