PCB design help for a project

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Thanks rjenkinsgb, the ESP32 PICO D4 has a built in bluetooth chip, SoC, so I think it wouldn't be a problem to just directly connect to it. Because I have seen some schematics do it. Ex- https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/esp32-pico-kit-v4_schematic.pdf

I hope I have done my schematic right. Also I am a bit confused with what the yellow and green colours on the board are. What are they?

Regards Sashvat
right, the ESP32 PICO D4 has a built in bluetooth and wifi chip, so then it would be fine to directly connect?
so then it would be fine to directly connect?
Not quite directly.

According to the data / examples, the ESP32 requires a "PI" section filter on its output. You would need to incorporate that, and the antenna matching components, all laid out using the correct track width for impedance matching.

I'd expect you would get a lot better results just doing an exact copy of the ESP32 PCB antenna, if a bit larger PCB area is not a problem.
Well that is my problem, I am trying to keep this as small as possible. And when you mean copy the ESP32 PCB antenna, I am not quite getting what you're saying. Should I add the exact same inductor or does something else needs to be done?
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