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OK but your comment isn't very well explained.
What are the sequences? Where can i get more information on them? (never mind)

Doesn't sequence = sending something in a specific order? So wouldn't the ASCII table be relevant?
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Ok how would i send these out i tried but it just shows each character..

Please Enter Code: [B]Ask for pass then[/B]
J [B] sending hex 1b 5b 02 4a to clear screen and i see this[/B]

Junebug PIC18F1320     [B]My new menu comming soon[/B]

New Menu comming soon!
Modded by Jason aka AtomSoft, thx futz!
Got It!
CLS = 0x1B,"[2J",0x00

For a black screen and white letters in bold
blksc	db		0x1B,"[40m",0x0d,0x1B,"[1;37m",0x00
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I just realized none of that matters because if im making my own terminal program I can make it what ever i want and just program it into the app itself. But this is still so cool!
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