New Member
Hi I'm working on a parking project. I'm building a PIC stimulus project that will be simulated only in the SFR window. It composes of 10 LEDs (5 green and 5 red ) and 5 switches. The LED will turn red if the switch is on (equal to logic 1). I'm a newbie in terms of coding and knowing its syntax. Can someone help? It would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
; PIC Stimulus project
#include ""
;**************** Label Definition ********************
STATUS equ 03h ;Address of the STATUS register
TRISA equ 85h ;Address of the tristate register for port A
PORTA equ 05h ;Address of Port A
ra0 equ 00 ;RA1 bit
ra1 equ 01 ;RA1 bit
ra2 equ 02 ;RA2 bit
ra3 equ 03 ;RA3 bit
ra4 equ 04 ;RA4 bit
;************* Pattern Data Definition ****************
; '1':OFF '0':ON
;****** Pattern 0 ******
p00 equ b'11111111'
p01 equ b'11111110'
p02 equ b'11111101'
p03 equ b'11111100'
p04 equ b'11111011'
p05 equ b'11111010'
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto init
;**************** Initial Process *********************
init bsf STATUS,5 ;Switch to Bank 1
movlw h'ff' ;Set input mode data
movwf TRISA ;Set PORTA to Input mode
clrf TRISB ;Set PORTB to Output mode
bcf STATUS,5 ;Change to Bank0
movlw h'ff' ;Set LED off data
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;**************** Key Scan Process ********************
keyscan btfss PORTA,ra0 ;RA0 ON(Low lebel) ?
call sw0 ;Yes. Call switch 0
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;RA1 ON(Low lebel) ?
call sw1 ;Yes. Call switch 1
btfss PORTA,ra2 ;RA2 ON ?
call sw2 ;Yes. Call switch 2
btfss PORTA,ra3 ;RA3 ON ?
call sw3 ;Yes. Call switch 3
btfss PORTA,ra4 ;RA4 ON ?
call sw4 ;Yes. Call switch 4
goto keyscan ;Retry
;*********** PORTA0 switch 0 Output Subroutine ***************
sw0 movlw p00 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA1 switch 1 Output Subroutine ***************
sw1 movlw p01 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA2 switch 2 Subroutine ***************
sw2 movlw p02 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA3 switch 3 Subroutine ***************
sw3 movlw p03 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA4 switch 4 Subroutine ***************
sw4 movlw p04 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
; END of PIC Stimulus project
; PIC Stimulus project
#include ""
;**************** Label Definition ********************
STATUS equ 03h ;Address of the STATUS register
TRISA equ 85h ;Address of the tristate register for port A
PORTA equ 05h ;Address of Port A
ra0 equ 00 ;RA1 bit
ra1 equ 01 ;RA1 bit
ra2 equ 02 ;RA2 bit
ra3 equ 03 ;RA3 bit
ra4 equ 04 ;RA4 bit
;************* Pattern Data Definition ****************
; '1':OFF '0':ON
;****** Pattern 0 ******
p00 equ b'11111111'
p01 equ b'11111110'
p02 equ b'11111101'
p03 equ b'11111100'
p04 equ b'11111011'
p05 equ b'11111010'
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto init
;**************** Initial Process *********************
init bsf STATUS,5 ;Switch to Bank 1
movlw h'ff' ;Set input mode data
movwf TRISA ;Set PORTA to Input mode
clrf TRISB ;Set PORTB to Output mode
bcf STATUS,5 ;Change to Bank0
movlw h'ff' ;Set LED off data
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;**************** Key Scan Process ********************
keyscan btfss PORTA,ra0 ;RA0 ON(Low lebel) ?
call sw0 ;Yes. Call switch 0
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;RA1 ON(Low lebel) ?
call sw1 ;Yes. Call switch 1
btfss PORTA,ra2 ;RA2 ON ?
call sw2 ;Yes. Call switch 2
btfss PORTA,ra3 ;RA3 ON ?
call sw3 ;Yes. Call switch 3
btfss PORTA,ra4 ;RA4 ON ?
call sw4 ;Yes. Call switch 4
goto keyscan ;Retry
;*********** PORTA0 switch 0 Output Subroutine ***************
sw0 movlw p00 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA1 switch 1 Output Subroutine ***************
sw1 movlw p01 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA2 switch 2 Subroutine ***************
sw2 movlw p02 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA3 switch 3 Subroutine ***************
sw3 movlw p03 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
;*********** PORTA4 switch 4 Subroutine ***************
sw4 movlw p04 ;Set LED light
movwf PORTB ;Output data
; END of PIC Stimulus project