Parallel OLED display

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What is the bare minimum to have the display show something? I noticed I've had this display for a little over 6 years and never seen it working, from what I was told a OLED display will not do anything until it's sent commands?
you have to power it up . many of the OLED displays use serial interface like TWI or SPI. is there any lettering on the display? like this "SSD1308"? if yes, then google it. see this link , this one and this one too command sets
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I didnt see the Parallel thing my mistake.. can you post any of the details of the OLED?

Going to be hard.. the vender when I got it on ebay was selling out the rest of the stock, but anyways on the back it says: Winstar: WP1602B-Y-JCS on a sticker

I used to have a data sheet for it but I have to see if I can find it again.

best I could find
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is this the thing? if yes , interfacing it is pretty easy.. iam an avr guy.. so i will post the code for that.

code: example:
Class LCD 4 bit for 4 bit lcd

void lcd_init()	// fuction for intialize 
	dis_cmd(0x02);		// to initialize LCD in 4-bit mode.
	dis_cmd(0x28);		//to initialize LCD in 2 lines, 5X7 dots and 4bit mode.

void dis_cmd(char cmd_value)
	char cmd_value1;
	cmd_value1 = cmd_value & 0xF0;		//mask lower nibble because PA4-PA7 pins are used. 
	lcdcmd(cmd_value1);			// send to LCD
 	cmd_value1 = ((cmd_value<<4) & 0xF0);	//shift 4-bit and mask
	lcdcmd(cmd_value1);			// send to LCD
void to_line(char line,char pos)
if(line ==1)
 	dis_cmd(0x80 + pos);
void clear()
    lcd_write_string("                ");

void dis_data(char data_value)

	char data_value1;
void lcdcmd(char cmdout)

void lcddata(char dataout)
void lcd_write_string(char *str)	//take address vaue of the string in pionter *str
	int i=0;
	while(str[i]!='\0')				// loop will go on till the NULL charaters is soon in string 
		dis_data(str[i]);				// sending data on CD byte by byte

arg.. so.. if you want to display some thing you reallly need a micro controller. else you can do the hard-way that is wiring switches and stufffs. refer page number 16 of

so you need to wire the lcds data pins (refer page # 8) pin # 7 to 14 must be pulled low. that is you have to connect 10k (preferred) to ground. Then connect swtiches (if you have 8 way spdt micro switches that you find in many development kits, its better to the data port. Then connect 5th pin to ground (the r/w pin , we need to only write to lcd for now) RS to a small "reset" type button switch (push to on) and the pin must be pulled low too, do the same with the E pin.
>>if you connected all of these. you can follow the instructions in page number 17 of the datasheet.
One question.. what's the difference between this and say a LCD with a backlit display? because I do have a pre-programmed PIC that's a temp sensor I know the backlight has no connection.. I was hoping I could get it to work on that.
all of the voltages must be in range specifiecd in datasheet.

almost all of the displays have back light. so if you want to test that, just connect the ground of the supply with the last N/C pin and then connect a small valued resistance (as current limiter (preferred: 220 Ω) ) to the next N/C pin (yeah its "not connected" but many to all of the back lit displays use those pins for the internal back light LED)

wait so are you saying I match the LCD pins up to the pins on the OLED but for where the ground of the supply connect it to the N/C pin of the OLED display?
no, the last 2 pins (nc) pins. there is an LED inside the LCD for back light. to test that connect the gnd to the last pin and the next.. (in the datasheet it says "N/C" so to avoid confusion , i said so)
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