p16pro40 problem

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When i build my p16pro40 programmer i have a similar problem, a long thread about it is at this link https://www.electro-tech-online.com...p16pro40.30857/?highlight=winpicprog+p16pro40

The problem was a dead pin 10 on my LPT port. So i select to use pin 13 in the LPT instead. I simply change the pin connection it in the lpt plug. And in the Software i select Options/Hardware/Programmer Type/Custom and on the input i select SEL instead of ACK and then everything works well.
(SEL is pin 13 and ACK is pin 10 on the LPT)
You can try to download a small program at this link https://www.geekhideout.com/parmon.shtml it's named "Parmon" It's a LPT port monitor, you can in this program toggle all LPT port pins and see if they work (whitout the programmer connected) Your input does follow the output so the problem is not pin 10 like mine was.
Hi OY2L, i downloaded the software from the link provided to test the port; thnx for the link, what pin do i take as reference on the LPT cable to test that the pin i toggle its actually switching from 0 to 5v or viceversa?.
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