noob, blinker and inchworm bootloader

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New Member
hello, i'm using DL4YHF's PIC Programmer for Windows and FENG3's MultiPIC programmer and i have two questions:

1) i have loaded the blinker program from...

and burned it onto a 16f628A and LED lights but doesnt blink, scratching head here.

2) do I have to set config bits under the device,config tab of Winpic before burning the inchworm's bootloader? (I guess this is also what I did wrong in #1, altho there are only two INTOSC modes and 'no clock out mode')

The Inchworm is a programmer and uses a 16F877-20 or 16F877A PIC.
Are you referring to the Inchworm Hello World poster (I've got to rename that)?
A good programmer should be able to read the configuration info from the .hex file, the fuse or config info is set by the __CONFIG directive. The 16F628A assuming your programmer supports it properly has several clock options and for a simple program like my hello world one the internal OSC is used and WDT is on.
Are you referring to the Inchworm Hello World poster

Not exactly, i'm using blinker app here...

...and burning onto a 628A not the 628.

Ahh, under 'device, config' tab it does changes (i never tried to be on that tab while loading a hex file so i couldn't see it change. But why does the homepage say

Code Protection: OFF
WatchDog Timer: OFF
Power-up Timer: ON
>>>>Brown-out Detect: OFF <<<<<
>>>>Oscilator: Internal, no clock-out mode <<<<<
External MCLR: ON
>>>>Low Voltage programming: OFF <<<<<

while Winpic (anything in between >< ) is the opposite, especially this...
Which must be affecting the blinker causing it not to blink?
You can't burn a 628 HEX file into a 628A, the fuse settings are different, you need to either reassemble the source for a 628A, or manually set the fuses after loading the file.
ok i will try that. Its strange tho that it burned without errors (altho it didnt work). I tried burning the inchworm bootloader onto a 877-20/P and Winpic programming failed. Another app also failed to burn inspite of it being designed for 628A. I have two of these multipic programmers and they do the same thing so there must be something wrong somewhere.
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