Neil Armstrong RIP

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Here.we. go. again.

Neil Armstrong

He died @ the ripe old age of 82 Years. My Hero @ Six Years of age.

All of you...stop your Nonsense..Please

What nonsense is that?

Hi again,

If you still think the 'a' was there originally or you think the 'a' was not there originally, dont fret too much because there have been much more amazingly silly mistakes in the media shortly after he passed away...

"Astronaut Neil Young, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82"

A tweet from a Daily Telegraph twitter:
"Neil Armstrong: First American woman in space, who showed 'millions of little girls that they can be heroes..."

The first was on the TV screen for 10 minutes or more.

Just follows my theory that society as a whole is getting stupider every day. Someone or some org is filling the atmosphere with pot smoke or something
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If you still think the 'a' was there originally or you think the 'a' was not there originally, dont fret too much because there have been much more amazingly silly mistakes in the media shortly after he passed away...

If you watched the ABC evening news yesterday, August 26, 2012, you would have seen an item which mentioned that it was "believed" Armstrong composed his landing speech on the way to the Moon. The news report further said that Armstrong originally composed "a man", but later decided to removed the "a". Then they said that Armstrong thought he spoke without the "a", but he wasn't sure. It was a confusing news report, but it shows that I picked up on something way back when he landed and spoke.

You might also want to look at these links. I guess it shows I had sharp ears back when I watched the Moon landing in my mid twenties at the prime of my life.

**broken link removed**

Anyway, those reports appear to originate from the original source.

Who cares what the man said, as far as I am concerned, having gone all the way to the moon he has the right to say whatever he likes!
If he did have a prepared speech and he fluffed a word, I dont care.
He and the other two guys who went there with him (Yes, I know that one of them was just "cruising around the block") did a good job, as did all the engineers, technicians and janitors who made the thing work to get them there.

And as for those who think that it was all done in a shed out the back of Area 51, I am sure that the USSR would have been monitoring the radio links from the moon and if there was anything dodgy about it I am sure that they would have taken great delight in letting the cat out of the bag.

Mr Al said:
Just follows my theory that society as a whole is getting stupider every day.
Have you ever seen the film "Idiocracy" ?
One day it will be an historically correct record of human achievement!

Who cares what the man said, as far as I am concerned, having gone all the way to the moon he has the right to say whatever he likes!
If he did have a prepared speech and he fluffed a word, I dont care.


Thank you Jim. My thoughts exactly.


Who cares what the man said,

Everyone who reads and posts on this thread. Otherwise, why would they do it?

Yes, that was pointed out earlier.


Thank you Jim. My thoughts exactly.

I see that you read and post on this thread, also. Interesting, isn't it?


Everyone who reads and posts on this thread. Otherwise, why would they do it?

Yes, that was pointed out earlier.


I see that you read and post on this thread, also. Interesting, isn't it?


Hello Ratch

I am once again going to put you on my ignore list. The only person on this great Forum that manages to crawl under my skin.
You really don't have to prove your cleverness all the time....I find it really irritating.

Especially on a simple thread titled: Neil Armstrong RIP.

When you die one day.....would you like a jerk to stand up and discuss your Pedantic ways??? I think not because you will not be fondly remembered by that. And, as I suspect, you will now once again start dissecting what I posted here......

Luckily, I won't see it. I am over reading your posts.

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Hello again,

That first link didnt work, that second link was exactly like i posted previously: the computer analysis.
In the computer analysis there was evidence that the 'a' was sounded but much shorter than usual. Maybe you picked it up. What we need now is for more of the 600 million viewers to come forward with their rendition of it as maybe more people heard it too. It was too long ago for me but for others like you maybe not.

Yeah that news report is basically a waste of time. They make the typical mistake of using the word "believe" holding something in question and then go on to state other 'facts' as if the original statement was totally true and it is sometimes hard to figure that out because they may go on and on.
"It was believed that in 1641 Godzilla attached Japan. The monster knocked over several buildings and squashed hundreds of cars on its way back to the ocean".
So the second sentence appears to give credence to the history of Godzilla, but it really says nothing because in the first sentence they were not even sure if it really happened at all. So the whole thing could be nonsense

My take on this is that if they did a computer analysis of the tape that exists TODAY and found evidence of the 'a' then it was really there but too short for most people to hear. If they did later 'try' to remove it, they didnt do a good enough job and left a trace of it still in there but then i would want to know what reason they would have for wanting to remove the 'a'.

Yeah it doesnt make that much difference but if it could be proven that the 'a' was really removed (although not completely) then it is proved that they really do try to alter things before (or even after) they get to the media. I wonder now if anyone has an original recording that they made on that day.

So far no one can seem to prove this one way or the other, which shows how stupid society has gotten. They cant even get that one sentence right on such a historic day.

We cant trust the media these days anyway.
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Who cares?


Lots of people seem to care about this because it was such a famous quote.

Imagine if Shakespeare forgot to add the part in:
"To be or not to, that is the question".
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just out of curiosity. What kind of technology was used back then ???

Did the moon lander have vaccum tubes, or integrated circuits ??
Yep, 5400 and 7400 series TTL and red and green LEDs. And I believe a 4bit math processor for doing re-entry calcs. All state of the art!

As for the speech in question, can you really imagine... Stepping out onto the lander steps, breathing bottled air, feeling the weird 1/6th gravity of the moon on your wobbly leg muscles that had been weakened by zero gravity for a long time which I guess would make the whole thing even more surreal. Then add in the massive psychological impact of actually finding yourself actually THERE after all those years of prep, and the stress of a speech you know that not only will be heard by billions of people LIVE but will be replayed throughout history itself.

Most people go to water having to get up and speak in front of 50 people who are their friends and family!

just out of curiosity. What kind of technology was used back then ???

Transistor radios were available in the early '60s, but somewhat expensive. Some car radios were hybrids (transistors and tubes). I remember tubes coming out that had low temperature cathodes. I believe they were called "dark cathode tubes" or something like that, which were able to emit electrons at a much reduced power. Their filament glow could not be seen. I heard that the only tube on the shuttle other than the camera tube was the first amplifier stage. They had to use a tube there in order to keep the noise down. Transistors were inherently noisy back then. Tube usage was at its highest level in terms of sales in 1966. After that, transistors started to edge them out. VCRs were big and expensive, and only studios and commercial broadcasters had them. Around in the 70's or so, Uncle Disney tried to have them banned for home use, but the court told him to hose off. All the electronics magazines had scads of articles on how to repair TVs. They covered all aspects of the circuitry, too. That was before the era of the throw away appliance.

So it was 2K of RAM and used RTL. Interesting the use of a 2.048 MHz clock, same oscillator used in T1 communications.
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