Needed-Hitachi HA1825P, HA17902P, NEC C1251

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New Member
Hello all
I'm in desperate need of the above chips and would like to either get a substitute or a supplier for them.

I'm rebuilding a TCI ignition controller for my Yamaha motorcycle and to date I can't fine these chips or even a datasheet. The bike is a 1985 1200cc Venture.


According to various posts on the net, Hitachi didn't release any data on the chips, not even to Yamaha. If you google for the chip numbers there are plenty of companies offering them, but they don't give prices - usually just a request form to fill in.
Thanks for the info. I've already tried the Google search route and I have filled out several RFQ's but only one answer so far from China and they want an arm and a leg for shipping.
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