Need project ideas using Alphanumeric and/or LCD displays

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Electric Rain

New Member
Well I just got my Digi-Key Catalog in the mail the other day, and I'm very interested in their Alphanumeric LED displays and LCD modules. So I was wondering... can someone give me some ideas for projects that use Alphanumeric and/or LCD modules? They are pretty cool. I'd prefer some kind of game, and I'm guessing even though I don't have a PIC programmer, I'll have to get one if I want anything cool whatsoever. Anyway, can someone give me some ideas please? Thanks.
Kizzap is right you can conect those LCDs to the computers paralel port
Needs a program

You beter know how to program windows(or DOS)

And a nother thing i sead in one article that i can make windows programs but i will do just simple ones (im not a expert)
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