Need help on K-Map

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New Member
I am solving this problem.

minimize the following using K-Map and implement using universal gates

f=sum of m( 2,3,6,7,8,10,11,13,14)

I have solved this way
My solution :

My book has given a different solution like this.

Am I doing it wrong? Which solution is correct? I am stuck right here. Need help.
You have your 1s in the wrong place on the map according to the function.

For example, look at your top row. For example, you have 0b0001 filled in which should be term 1. But there is no term 1 in your function.

I'm not sure what happened but almost all your math in converting the decimel terms in the function into binary for the K-map are wrong.

Go through each square on the K-map and fill it in with the decimel number that each square represents (convert binary to decimel). Post it back on here.

Also convert decimel into binary (without looking using the K-map you just filled in) for 2,3,6,7,8,10,11,13,14 and post it.

If you do that, then you will have probably figured out where you went wrong along the way without our help.
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I have done the correction. Now I have 2 solutions to this problem. Please see these

Solution # 1

Solution # 2

But book has given Solution # 2 only. Why the book skipped Solution # 1 ? Is it not a valid solution as per K-map ? why ?

Why do you change your name when you double post?

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