New Member
Hello everyone. I am fairly new to Arduino. I am trying to make a device which could be mounted on a stick to find the horizontal plane.I have read a lot about IMU sensors and have made a digital compass using MPU 6050. I have noticed that the readings tend to change even on a stationary surface i have used kalman filter in the code and it gives some stabilization . I have come across BNO055 sensor which claims to give an absolute reading also invesense has an IMU 9050.
My Doubts:
1) Are BNO0055 and invesense9050 better sensors.
2) Is it practically possible to get a true horizontal position with an IMU sensor. ie x=180,y=0,z=0.
My Doubts:
1) Are BNO0055 and invesense9050 better sensors.
2) Is it practically possible to get a true horizontal position with an IMU sensor. ie x=180,y=0,z=0.