Need a Project

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New Member
Hi..I've just found this site after surfing the web looking for information to help me with my GCSE Electronic's project. I was wondering if any of you guy's/Gal's could help? I need to find either a circuit design or a tutorial to build a bent wire game. If you have or can find anything please e-mail it to me:-
Thank you in advance
1. you need to specify how much you want to spend and your knowledge status...

2. This section is for Finished Projects, Not for Requests! I am sure Mod will take care about this
I won't be buying anything.. The school will be providing material's I need...Thank you for your help anyways
or you can get real dirt cheap. Get a battery, a lamp or an LED, and a resistor (so the light doesnt burn out), a coat hanger, an eye screw, dowel, a shoe box and some wire.

bend the coat hanger to any shape you want. You will be passing the hanger through the eye screw. stick the ends of the coat hanger in a shoe box. The eye screw is attached to the dowel so you can hold on to it better. Basically your objective is to make sure the eye screw does NOT touch the coat hanger. If it does, then the light goes on and then you lose.

Make sure you are using an uncoated metal coat hanger, or it wont work.
Ive been suggesting that all week, I even drew a diagram but he didnt like it :evil:
galla said:
Ive been suggesting that all week, I even drew a diagram but he didnt like it :evil: (posts 1)

Well as projects go battery an' bulb circuits are a bit boring even for a novice! How about the addition of a shocker circuit connected to the moving handle portion to spice things up , perhaps a small water pump from a car to soak those with unsteady hands. For the more adventurous builder why not make the "wobbly" wire slowly rotate instead of being fixed?
Well I say get a ripple couter (I think that is what they are called) and some LED's and make a knight-rider like display thing!!!
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