I've got 11 - 5V LED's wired in parallel.
Positive coming into the first LED and ground on the last.
But nothing comes on.
I tested each LED on it's own, they all work.
I've triple checked make sure nothing is reversed.
Then I moved up and down the line, process of elimination.
1 LED - Good
2 LED's - Good
3 LED's - Good
4 LED's - Dead
I retested this using different LED's in the row and every time it died at 4.
Even though the power consumption is neglegable, my first PSU was very smallI don't recall the exact number.
So I found a 5V - 1amp brick thrown in my closet, wired it up and I'm still seeing the same behavior.
So it's not a shortage of power.
Any ideas? I know it's probably something simple I'm too dumb to figure out.
Positive coming into the first LED and ground on the last.
But nothing comes on.
I tested each LED on it's own, they all work.
I've triple checked make sure nothing is reversed.
Then I moved up and down the line, process of elimination.
1 LED - Good
2 LED's - Good
3 LED's - Good
4 LED's - Dead
I retested this using different LED's in the row and every time it died at 4.
Even though the power consumption is neglegable, my first PSU was very smallI don't recall the exact number.
So I found a 5V - 1amp brick thrown in my closet, wired it up and I'm still seeing the same behavior.
So it's not a shortage of power.
Any ideas? I know it's probably something simple I'm too dumb to figure out.
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