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Fusilli is a robot that is a custom circut by me (lol get it? custom? HA!) I just gotta solder it on and its alive! Fusilli is a light seeking robot using 2 photodiodes wired up in reverse to be sensitive to electricity, just like Phobug, which was mine and etc which has been renamed Fettuccine 2.0
Fusilli is a servo mounted to a pair of housing wire legs. These legs are stable and allow the phototropic head to search around the room looking for the brightest light source. Once it finds it, it lock on to it and can track it. It uses the dual comparator to compare the 2 voltages from the photodiodes, similar to spaghetti. It is easy to create another circuit like this and mount another servo (y axis) on top of the other (x axis) servo to create a 2 axis of freedom light seeking robot head. I will post some pictures later once its done! It uses a H-Bridge to contol the motors back and forth. It will be pretty cool, and i will build a solar engine and put it on my desk.
Fusilli is a servo mounted to a pair of housing wire legs. These legs are stable and allow the phototropic head to search around the room looking for the brightest light source. Once it finds it, it lock on to it and can track it. It uses the dual comparator to compare the 2 voltages from the photodiodes, similar to spaghetti. It is easy to create another circuit like this and mount another servo (y axis) on top of the other (x axis) servo to create a 2 axis of freedom light seeking robot head. I will post some pictures later once its done! It uses a H-Bridge to contol the motors back and forth. It will be pretty cool, and i will build a solar engine and put it on my desk.