I am currently in the middle of a project where my PIC 16f690 is connected to the PC via a RS232. Its constantly sending up information. So basically, the RX/TX pins of the pins are being used.
Now, i need to expand the project and include a RF module. I need a transmitter and receiver attached to the same PIC as well. Below is a link of the RF module bought.
SparkFun Electronics - RF Link 4800bps Receiver - 434MHz
I also bought the corresponding transmitter plus I have purchased holtek's encoder and decoder...HT12 E/D. Now, Im not sure how to go about using them together, but I have found some sites so i know how to connect them up. I just dont know which pins I could connect the RF transmitter and receiver module to the PIC.
My question is this. Will I be able to connect a RF transmitter, RF receiver AND a RS232 to the same PIC. I'm using a 16f690 at the moment, and ideally would like to carry on using the same chip. Mostly because I only have the development board for that PIC type.
I am currently in the middle of a project where my PIC 16f690 is connected to the PC via a RS232. Its constantly sending up information. So basically, the RX/TX pins of the pins are being used.
Now, i need to expand the project and include a RF module. I need a transmitter and receiver attached to the same PIC as well. Below is a link of the RF module bought.
SparkFun Electronics - RF Link 4800bps Receiver - 434MHz
I also bought the corresponding transmitter plus I have purchased holtek's encoder and decoder...HT12 E/D. Now, Im not sure how to go about using them together, but I have found some sites so i know how to connect them up. I just dont know which pins I could connect the RF transmitter and receiver module to the PIC.
My question is this. Will I be able to connect a RF transmitter, RF receiver AND a RS232 to the same PIC. I'm using a 16f690 at the moment, and ideally would like to carry on using the same chip. Mostly because I only have the development board for that PIC type.