muc based security system

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arpita samanta

New Member
i want to implement muc based security system that would sound off an alarm and send a message either on landlne fone or cellphone..on detecting smoke,overheatng,humidity excess and intruder in any premise....could you please help me with the required circuitry...and other details asap...
i'm very new to this area of application of microcontrooler...and rather ignorant....but i'm looking forward to some guidance...
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First, start by simply drawing a block diagram of the system. One block for smoke detector, one for fire, one overheating and so on. Then the outputs of these go into a MCU block. This sends the message to be sent to the communication block.

Second, search google for ics and/or circuits for each block. For communication block, I think a cheap nokia mobile could be used. so search for "interfacing microcontroler nokia mobile".

Third, use knowledge from your education and common sense to interface all these individual circuits together.

If you are working in a team, assign each module to different people to achieve speed as well as expertise to each.

Finally, ask questions here on specific problems you face.
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