mouse killer

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New Member
hi everyone. i wanted to make a circuit that would kill or just to ensure that a mouse could not get inside my room. any help pease
see the rat zapper tread i would say

an other option is to put a plate with glue on the floor with some bait on it

i used it in my house and it works good

i don't want to use electicity or poison as i have a kid from 1.5 years old that is verry exploring minded

the gleu is not poisinous and the rat/mouse is still alive when it's gleud

so to remove/kill it you must not be afraid for it

here you can buy these plates in the supermarket (they are made in thailand)

Gayan Soyza said:
Keeping a cat in you room will be handy

i use to have cats and they where only looking to the mouses and to lazy to do something about it probably the food that i did give them was to good

only hungry cats catch mouses

I did the 'Rat-Zapper' thread, and can't swear that it killed the rat, but the rat was gone 2-3 days after I put it out. It was basically the charging part of a disposable camera flash. I added a second capacitor (fried something on that board, so had a spare). Solder leads to the capacitors and attached those to some stainless steel wire I strung on insulators where I saw the rat on my porch. The second night He was back, but avoided the wired area. Several days later found the remains of a rat in the grass next door. Pretty sure it got zapped, but wasn't fatal. Only cost, was the batteries. Got the flash boards free from a pharmacy that does photo prints.
i don't want to use electicity or poison as i have a kid from 1.5 years old that is verry exploring minded
Isn't there a risk that your kid could get bitten by the mouse or get the plate glued to his/her face?
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