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New Member
I'm curious about MODPEX models.

How accurate are they?

Are there any problems with them that would make you reluctant to use one?

Do they model a broad range of cases, or just typical use of the component?

Is there anything they don't model (eg. temperate etc.)?

Any feedback would be very much appreciated!

(I'm doing a final year thesis on SPICE models)
Interesting, never heard of this software before, what little information I found quickly said it wasn't commercially available anymore, is it still available for download using a free license?
For MOSFETS, BSIM Level 1 does not model sub threshold conduction (weak inversion) region of operation.. so if you see any of those in there.. then they are not accurate at all!
Sceadwian said:
Interesting, never heard of this software before, what little information I found quickly said it wasn't commercially available anymore, is it still available for download using a free license?

I think Onsemi is a big fan of MODPEX

Perhaps I have seen others as well. Do'nt know if it is commercially available don't know if I'd trust it anyways.
I didn't realize it wasn't commercially available anymore. Strange... I'll have to look into that.

So would you say that the majority of designers rely on writing their own models (so that they knew the could trust them)? Or even getting them from the manufacturer's website and validating them?

Or is there another software tool that produces fairly accurate models?

No model will be accurate for all device behaviors. You will never find a perfect model.

I'd say most designers DO NOT write their own models. They use the ones provided by the manufacturer. They know the limits of the model and where it becomes inaccurate.
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