A couple weeks ago my microwave oven started making noises like a Geiger Counter detecting a small amount of radiation (slow but constant low frequency click that is sort of garbled.
I read this on the web so far:
" If your microwave is making noises like a Geiger counter, the sound is coming from the magnetron that produces the microwaves. The sound is normal and there's no reason to be alarmed. If your microwave makes noises when it's in standby that are somewhat loud or strange, something could be wrong with your fan run on. "
But this sound never came out of it before about two weeks ago and i had it for at least 2 years now.
Any ideas?
I read this on the web so far:
" If your microwave is making noises like a Geiger counter, the sound is coming from the magnetron that produces the microwaves. The sound is normal and there's no reason to be alarmed. If your microwave makes noises when it's in standby that are somewhat loud or strange, something could be wrong with your fan run on. "
But this sound never came out of it before about two weeks ago and i had it for at least 2 years now.
Any ideas?