Memory issue in PIC18F4550

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I am using PIC18f4550. My program is too long. So eventually my data memory has been reached to 100% usage and my program memory at 13%.
So right now, I can't compile my program. So is there any way to use program memory instead of data memory ?

Look at "Flash Program Memory" (Datasheet Section 6). That might help you.

Language? Compiler? Example of code?

What is taking up all the data memory? If it's string data then you can probably make it constant data and it will be stored in program memory.

Any chance of posting what you have done??? ... The pic18f44j50 has much more data memory.. but I think is a low voltage device..
My bet is on the suspicion that he may be repeatedly writing out a repetitive function as inline code rather than making it a subroutine. But let's see the code.
Read the first post again, he's running out of ram - not rom.

Ah yes I see it now. His "my program is too long" statement threw me off.

In any event...he still needs to post his code in order for us to help.
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