mc55 udp configuration

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New Member
hi.. have anybody here tried using an mc55 gsm/gprs module? can you please show me how configure it to make it receive udp data packets? i have successfully make it send data to a computer server. but what i want to do is for the server to send data to the module. i believe that the problem is not on the server since i can send data from the server to another computer. is it necessary to create two profiles in the module? one for sending and another for receiving? please help...
hi everybody.. to rephrase my question, how can i configure the mc55 module so that i can bind it to a certain port and when the gprs feature of the module is activated, it would be able to receive data from the outside if they send it through the port where the module is binded to using udp(user datagram protocol..).. to all the people out there who have tried the mc55 module.. please help..
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