Looking for schematic / repair manual - PowerWalker VI 2000 (bluewalker)

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Well-Known Member

Does anyone know where to get a repair manual for this UPS device ?

Thanks in advance
What's the odds that they justgive me a copy of the pdf just like that? But thank's anyway, can't hurt to try.

Always worth a try - but in recent decades manufacturers have generally stopped supplying service manuals to other than their authorised service agents, and have often stopped supplying them as well.
I've now sent a request to the mail address provided. I'll keep you updated about an answer.

I did express that I did request as a private person - so assuming the chances for positive response are low.
I've now sent a request to the mail address provided. I'll keep you updated about an answer.

I did express that I did request as a private person - so assuming the chances for positive response are low.

Historically (back well before the Internet) I often purchased service manuals direct from manufacturers, as a private individual, and from work - in fact I don't recall EVER been refused back then, with some even providing them free of charge.

The first refusal I did get was from Pioneer (who had previously supplied me many times), and that was the beginning of the end - from there more and more stopped supplying other than their authorised dealers, to the extent it's now very rare to be able to deal with a manufacturer unless you're an authorised agent, and often all but impossible to become an authorised agent.
I would like to know why someone refuse to share schematics of product, even making product hard-repairable...
Do they really want to throw it away to junk and buy another product?
Ï actually hate this idea. Must be from sick-head managment -plc.
Well, not so much. This is the response I got from BlueWalker Support:

Service manuals or repair instructions are not provided by us.
We can offer spare parts for the VI 2000 PSW ( pcba main and pcba LCD ).

The VI 2000 PSW use valve regulated lead acid batteries ( 2 x12 Volt / 9 Ah ).
Ok, what happened to psu?
  • The batteries was broken (physically cracked open - probably by cold temperatures over time)
  • An electrolyte cap have an exploded top.
I'll probably not go any steps further to try to repair anyway because the batteries itself cost almost half of a new one. At least if buying in a local shop. I probably have a capacitor somewhere in the component pile.
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