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Looking for R/C remote control info

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Howdy all, I'd like to start a project where I want to somewhat duplicate the lower end R/C car radio controls. The ones in particular that I am interested in have forward/reverse/stop and left/right/straight. Does anyone know of a good book or website that talks about these types of things in depth. I've got some info on simple audio transmitters/recievers, but nothing on how to enconde/decode a signal like perhaps TTL. I am hoping that I can find a way that will let me use fairly easy access components and stay away from PIC like stuff. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
A possible and cheap solution: transmit DTMF signals via audio channel
with MT8880 (or other) DTMF chip. You can transmit always only 1 of 16 command.
another solution is nationals lm1871 and lm1872 the 71 is a 6 channel transmitter and the 72 is a 6 channel reciever using pulse width mod for servo's..really ita 4 channel either way plus 2 digital on-offs for toggle switches no pics controllers there just good ol simplicity...both are good for upto 80mhz if thats the range you a search for lm1871 or lm1872 you be glad you did....
Sebi, Do you know of any decent DTMF schematics that are avaialble on the web?

gunny, those chips look quite interesting but when researching them I find they are discontinued. Anyone happen to know of a source for these chips?

Thanks for the info!
A good startpoint to DTMF decoding.


  • dtmfdec.JPG
    61.8 KB · Views: 1,030
Well, I ordered some parts last night. We'll see how dangerous I can be once I get them. I saw that some components were marked with an * signifying that they have limited stock. Anything that I ordered didn't indicate that, so let's hope they have good inventory. The $20 minimum order sure wasn't hard to reach. They've got all kinds of goodies. As far as the discontinuing, I read somewhere the other day that US based chip manufacturers have begun to stop production of certain lines rather than compete with the Asian market. Who knows, but that sounds as good as anything.
R/C in this context means "Radio Control". It may have other meanings to other people, I'm not sure.
I guess bogdan was thinking of RC time constant circuit. :lol: Isn't it bogdan?
actually i though of radio control, but 'radio control remote control' as it would have been in the subject line didnt sound ok to me....english....
Ahh, yes I see your point. I guess I was specifically defining a radio remote control. Rather than say infra red remote control, or just plain 'ol remote control which typically means hard wired.
those chips you just order will do ir and dtl .....just depends on what you want ..ive forgotten all about those chip i think im gonna build a couple myself..woohoo
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