Lithium battery charger

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Can't we fix it, I was thinking to build for my digital clock after power off so led can be light to watch time!
no spare bricks with the right V reg?

If you cant define the requirements , no one can define the solution except buy a new one.
Actually, I work on JR LED sign, i am thinking to build bvattery backup devices so, i realize Li cell are less weight and i need it for charging so, i need circuit for it1
Do you need a 'Li-ion battery charger circuit'? Then here's a simpler one designed by MrAl (wellknown member here), and drawn by me. It's nice but you need to disconnect the circuit after charging full. To know the status of full of charge, you need to measure battery charging voltage, if you got 4.2V then understand that the charging is full. Or you can mesure its charging current, it should be few mA flowing while full of charge, such as 15mA or 20mA.

Or if you need an indicator light to see 'full' then I can post another additional circuit with voltage monitor.


  • Li-ion charger without monitor.GIF
    20.2 KB · Views: 274
but as you said you are going to make 'battery backup device', then you probably searching two circuits- one is 'Li-ion charger' to make battery backup device and to charge its cells. And another is '+5V cell phone charger' to charge your cell phone from these Li-ion's backup device, isn't it?
I think i should concentrate on Led display.

Without a plan on time , cost , materials assembly budget any design will exceed at least 1 or any or all expectation, even with Pros

If you want to excel, start with a list of specs or requirements that match your experience on make or buy decisions, then modify to meet your overall goals.. To learn at all costs or to save money?

With regards to learn, best practise is understand commercial solutions and test with scope and verify everything you know, then learn what you don't understand what you see.

In the scope of things, I assume you have a lot to learn.

Before you ask a nitty gritty question you must have a list of testable criteria or specs, then we can assume you know something necessary to proceed. This applies to all questioners.
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