LG 1510S LCD Monitor Repair

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New Member
There's this old LG 1510S LCD Monitor that had 2 issues, one with inverter board and one with image display (mainboard maybe), the issue with the inverter was that when i turned it on it goes off after 1 or 2 secs. and the problem was with the tuner caps on inverter board, after i changed the caps monitor stays on but there's another problem that if I turn it on by the power button, no signal message does not show on the screen, but if I let it stay on and disconnect by the power cable and connect it again the no signal message will appear, and one more thing...the 12V power is 17V before i turn on the monitor but after turning it on it will drop to 12 volts, and about 5 volts to main ... I have 5 and 4.3 and 3.3 and 2.5, the 4.3 is on one leg of regulators on mainboar instead of 5 volts... souldn't it supposed to be 5 volts on the v in of regulators and 3.3 and 2.5 on Vout ?!

please help ... thanx alot.
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