LED Matrix..

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Well-Known Member
Making a 16x24 LED matrix and wanted to know whats the best way to interface to it? Should i simple use a large PIC and 2 ports ? Like PORTB and PORTC ? Or 2 595 shift registers?

Im talking about the interfacing the rows. The columns will be controlled VIA 3 595 shift registers and 3 ULN2803... (with resistors of course.)
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Both work well. You can also get some specialty chips designed to drive LED matrices. Mercel (sp?) and others make them. They have more drive current and have neat goodies like built in PWM.
595s are easy. But on Mike (K8LH)'s suggestion I used a MIC5891 and MIC5821 for my circuit which you can view here: https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/8x8-matrix-pcb-completed.107871/

This allows for better cascading using the same circuit, if you choose to expand to multiple 8x8 modules. You will see all the advice I got a long time ago here: https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/led-matrix-with-less-pins.89292/

If I did it again and I wanted cool effects, I think I'd look for a purpose built LED driver. There are lots now (think of the sort that drive huge outdoor RGB LED displays) and they are a sensible price.
I was going to try a 74HC138 inverting decoder, and dual pfet packages for the matrix rows, if I ever get back to that project.

I think you can use two ports to minimize the headache.
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