LCD module

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New Member
I got LCD module ODM 16216 R/1 (16X2)manuf. by ORIOLE ELECTRONICS.
Please help to get its datasheet & its initialiazation.
Most 2X16 lcd's are very generic and uses the KS0066 conroller, try this data sheet:
**broken link removed**

and the init code in 8051 assembly:

lcd_init:		mov dptr,#6000H
		mov a,#38H 		;init. LCD 2 lines,5x7 matrix
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
        		mov a,#0CH   		;LCD on, cursor on
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
        		mov a,#01H   		;clear LCD command
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
        		mov a,#06H   		;shift cursor right
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
        		mov a,#0FH   		;cursor: line 1, pos. 6
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
        		mov a,#80H  
        		movx @dptr,a
		call delay
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